Module 1 & 2 – Materia Aromatica, Essential Oil Profiles & Anatomy / Physiology / Pathology


Enroll for both modules together and save! We recommend you work on both Module 1 & 2 together, rather than completing them separately.

Course Description

This 450 hour course of home study will provide the student with an in-depth understanding of essential oils, their therapeutic properties and safe use. The advantage of home study is that you can set your own schedule and pace from the comfort of your home while receiving personalized support from trained professionals who will guide you through the process of on-line education.

You can however purchase a hard copy of the course material if you do not want to use the on-line platform. Once you have registered we will contact you to arrange a video chat for a personal introduction.

Module 1 of  our Aromatherapy Certification Program  is all about the essential oils.  Use the expand feature below to see the course details.

Module 2 of our Aromatherapy Certification training consists of 11 Lessons to be completed with the Anatomy Coloring Workbook which can be purchased directly from Amazon or Indigo. Colouring the pictures helps to give you a visual image and does make it easier to remember the content.

Modules 1 & 2 meet the approved standards for professional aromatherapy certification as set forth by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists (CFA), the British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapy (BCAOA) and the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), Level 3. Upon joining any of these organizations you will be entitled to use their trademarked designations such as the CFA’s- CAHP (Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional), BCAOA’s- RA (Registered Aromatherapist) or NAHA’s- NCCA (NAHA Certified Clinical Aromatherapist).

Our program includes an additional learning tool, Quizlet, with over 100 study sets to enhance your learning experience. Joyessence also has a discussion forum with over 700 students and graduates which serves as a great resource and support group.

Although our students can purchase essential oils from any supplier we recommend Ashbury’s who provide student kits at a discount. We have worked with Asbury’s for over 15 years and have always been satisfied with the quality of their products and customer service. Harlie Greenspoon, manager of sales  is a Joyessence graduate and a great resource. She can be reached at

Course Material

Online course material is included with this course. If you would like to purchase a hard copy version of the course material after purchasing this course, click below.
Course Material Hard Copy ($85) > 

Payment Options

By selecting either payment option below you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Click the “Purchase Course” button below to make the full $995.00 payment and SAVE or choose the option of 3 equal payments of $400 by clicking the “Subscribe” button below.


Course Content

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Course Material

Online, Hard Copy ($65)